
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Sleepy Six Months

I look at Jellybean and am amazed that in six short months she has become such a little person. She is fully awake to the world around her; she laughs, she reaches and grabs, moving around she enjoys and explores her surroundings.

But when she is a sleep and her face becomes soft and quiet, I put her cheek up to mine and smell her sweet milky breath, and for a moment she is that newborn baby.

Who in the dark of the hospital room at
midnight I clung to as if she was a little dolly.  Scared and excited, healing from the wounds of her birth. It's the peaceful little face that I stared at as the sun came up the next morning.

Jellybean, ready to join the world, was that tiny little newborn for only a handful of hours.  But when she sleeps I am reminded of that long, precious, quite first night.


  1. This is beautiful, Kathleen. Isn't it incredible to look back on those early days in the hospital and see how far we have come?

    1. Thanks Tess. Even from month to month the changes are amazing.
